Typical Questions for joining the Club
The many emails/calls we receive enquiring about what is involved in joining the club. Some usual questions are:
Can we teach?
No. we can't, we are not allowed to. But we share a great lot of experience with fellow members.
Are there female members?
Sure are – we have plenty. Age, gender, occupations and team preferences are of no issue with 'Woodies'.
We're just crazy about wood!
2015 count we had 25 fine female members out of the overall 200 at the club.
We've seen a 50% increase in recent years of female members, when overall growth was 25%.
What age groups come?
Well, our Secretary has worked out some nice statistics on that. 29% are aged 45-65, 43% are 65-85.
We have some younger, and older! So there's a wealth of enthusiasm, and experience here!
How do I find out about what the club is like?
Drop in on a meeting night (1st WED of the month 7:15PM) or when the club is open.
We love showing visitors how to become members!
Refer NEWSLETTER last page for open times, and links to activities.
How much does it cost?
Current fees are outlined on the JOIN-UP page.
Fees fall due on 1st Sept to vote at AGM, which is usually held first week of Oct.
A 50% discount after 1st March if a new member.
PLUS: a one time joining fee.
Late fee of $10 applies after 31st Oct, and failing to renew by 30th Nov requires another Joining Fee to be paid.
When do we meet?
Refer to the last page of latest newsletters to see the times the club is open for all the activity groups.
But members are also welcome to use the workshops whenever there are two or more keyholders/competent
machine user attendees (for safety reasons), to undertake their own projects, but courtesy suggests that priority is given to the activity groups on 'their sessions', to allow them to progress Club works.
(See October 2018 Newsletter summary)
For an overall view of the Club's long history, read:
with LINKS on Pg 6, of that edition for all the groups
Refer to BE-IN-IT competitions reported in many prior editions (September editions prio 2019) for inspiration ideas. In 2019, it was the October editionwhen the event moved to occuring on the second Sunday of Sept to avoid car parking issues on the adjacent football oval during Footy Season. Covid19 prevented an event in 2020 and 2021 and in lieu, there was 2-year “Let's See It” publication. Fetch: "Let's See It!"
And check the LAST page of latest newsletter, to see the history of each of the ACTIVITY GROUPS (hyperlinks are part of the top weekly calendar – click on the Activity name)
Did You Know?
There are lots of things that Members need to know, that are not in the HANDBOOK.
Check out all these clues too: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/2022-08
Happy glueing and screwing!