Rocking Horse Making
A complete write up of the history of the Rocking Horse group, can be fetched from the Newsletter Archives in edition: Pg 8 - 14 at: June 2018. (Volume 30, No 8)
Chronologically, the Group was headed and run as follows.
- Late Founder, Alf Stephens (Tuesday afternoons, 1992+)
- Len Elliott demonstration Sept 1993 and his instruction manuals.
(Len provided great insight to design and building methods)
- Late Paul Phillips (photo on rear wall of “Joe Semenow Room”)
- Paddy McCann (around 1996+ on Monday Nights)
- Bill Longden (Monday Nights)
- Joe Semenow (member since 1990/91) with
Allen Brookes (Friday nights), and then with
Late Bruce Allen
- Tony Truett (Friday nights) with Late Bruce Allen
- Late Louis Smith took over Oct 2012 with Late Bruce Allen,
until his passing in Feb 2015
- Peter Vermaas took the reigns May 2015, when Lou fell ill
- and in recent time, by Neil Harris
An acknowledgement to the work
of Len Elliott
(“The Rocking Horse Man”)