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Other Clubs News and locations

Some time back, an attempt was made, to implement an interactive map pinpointing Clubs and having pointers to their Newsletters held on websites.   But a simple PDF list containing as many other Woodworking Clubs around Australia and New Zealand,  is freely available to download and use for researching/reading other Club News. 


Fetch it from here:


If other Clubs would like be added,   please email us:

Around Australia, there are numerous Woodworking Clubs that KDWC collaborates with, in the interests of sharing knowledge, and promoting the craft our members all have a passion for.


As a way of sharing Other Club's Newsletters, we're keen to provide two levels of information.  Firstly, the location of the Clubrooms of the other clubs, and the website where readers can fetch those Club's newsletters if they are online.


Thanks to OpenStreetMAP (OSM) on the screen below, all the Clubs are shown with a RED DOT, that you can click on, to discover the location and optional website or contact information.  An example CLOSE UP of KDWC is shown too.


For assistance or adding a Club's details, contact:

Acknowledgements:  Free worldwide editable maps.    For more information see:

OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).

uMap lets you create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site.  uMap  is an OpenStreetMap project (version 0.8.2)

Overpass turbo is a web based data mining tool for OpenStreetMap. You can find it at

It runs any kind of Overpass API query and shows the results on an interactive map.
This project is maintained by Martin Raifer. The source code is found  on github. A huge thanks goes to Roland who created the Overpass API, without which this tool wouldn't exist.


Clubs can freely add or update their TAG details to their MAP entry,  by registering for a free user account at  at:


KDWC example:

addr:city                      Ferntree Gully
addr:country                AU
addr:housenumber       45
addr:postcode              3156
addr:state                    Victoria
addr:street                   Glenfern Road
building                        yes
club                             woodwork



Address: 45 Glenfern Road, Ferntree Gully 3156    Australia


Ph: 03 9758 4849   (Clubrooms) or download latest newsletter for Committee Member contact numbers

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