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Membership - Join Us  /  Renew Dues.


If you are an existing Member and need to renew your annual DUES, see section far below, due on 1st Sept (strictly 30days).

The Club prefers renewals be paid during Sept, and not earlier, so that fundings happen in the financial year.

If you want to join and are interested in anything to do with wood, then we extend to you our invitation to visit us.   You can arrive as a visitor up to three times, ANYTIME the club is open.  You cannot use equipment (other than the coffee machine!) until you become a financial member, but you can get a feel for the activities, facilities and meet other like-minded Woodies.  Subject to COVID19, come along on the 1st Wednesday of the month (7:15PM, except Jan) at the monthly Member's Meeting night..


No experience with woodworking is needed, although a passion and interest is expected and be ready to ask questions!

(Please note the club does not offer formal tuition, members simply informally share their knowledge.)

Our Club members will be only too happy to share their general woodworking experiences and hospitality with you, but remember, they too have their projects to do as well!  However if you desire to participate in a particular wood speciality, join a project group and become involved in some of  the activities we regularly enjoy.

CARERS Inerested in mentoring/monitoring Members.   KDWC can cater for people who attend with a Carer. It is a requirement that the Carer become a full member too, and be in charge of the Member attending.  Therefore, it is expected that the Carer too, has a passion for woodworking and be 100% active in projects as a duo.  All this is subject to capabilities.


From carving, wood-turning, furniture building, modelling, rocking horse making,  to just talking about wood related matters.
Explore the Club facilities offered by KDWC. Membership costs are modest, so come along to meet us. 

You are under no obligation to join when you visit, so come and learn more about the fascinating and rewarding world of WOOD!

Simple way to JOIN  and  enjoy:  


  1.  Download and Fill out APPLICATION FORM 
      (PLEASE use online form below)


  2.  Read  all  the SAFETY PROCEDURES  


  3,  read/sign/submit a KDW-00 agreement

            SAFETY PROCEDURES FORM.  (paper)

    Do online:

  4.  Send your    JOINING FEE  (fees below)

                           plus Annual Subscription
           to     BSB: 633 000  Acct: 1200 82748  
           EFTPOS  reference:   
JOIN Surname, Initials 
           if  RENEWING?  please provide 

  5.  Review the Members HANDBOOK  and

       SUPPLEMENT for COVID19 (June 2021)   

  6.  Check latest NEWSLETTER  DIARY   
       opening times/dates/events (last page)

Upon receipt of your forms and fees,

the Club will prepare a BADGE  with your

Club ID,  and email you to to let you know.

 Standard Membership costs (1st Sept - 31st Aug)
   (as at 1st Sept 2023, and subject to change)
-  Initial   JOINING FEE    $50.00  PLUS

    no discounts apply  

-  Annual Subscription DUES  cover to EOY Aug 31st  

    NEW / renewals             $100.00 
     Full fee payable in advance for year ending 31st Aug.
     If joining from 1st Dec, allow a 25% discount off annual fee.
     If joining mid year from 1st March, allow a 50% discount,
     or after  1st June, allow a 75% discount off annual fee.
     If joining in the last month of the financial year (August),

     your membership will count towards the following year.

    General Associate "Junior "Membership
 for age 12-15, also
 requires additional membership by
    an adult, is at a concessional 50% reduced rate
    of $50.00 pa (plus joining fee).

    No pro-rata half/quarterly year discounts apply.

-   Any queries?   just  click this 'contact'  page

    or refer to typical queries at:


RENEWING your subscription DUES for another year?

    On BANK REF, state:  <Your MemberID>  DUES

Membership DUES cover the period 1st Sept to 31st Aug. and must be paid  STRICTLY within the month of Sept, relating to the funding year.  

Members should await an email (1st Sept) outlining the correct fees applicable for the coming year, and pay them strictly  in the month of September. (not before or after!)  Fees fall due on 1st Sept, and must be paid within 30 days, or ongoing membership will LAPSE, and a fresh joining fee and annual dues would become applicable.  This approach helps ensure that all members are fully financial for voting at AGM, and the Club can prepare new BADGES in a timely manner.   

How membership applications are processed at KDWC

Following  is the procedure  for managing the Member Ties MEMBERSHIP system

Note, there are THREE ONLINE forms that can be used via email too:

-  Joining               
-  Safety form        
-  Change of vital info:

Membership handling:

  1. All applications for new membership come to Secretary: by email (as a bi-product of firstly going to the Treasurer)  so that they are known to the Committee from the outset

  2. Monies may arrive, but the signed Safety Awareness Agreement must be signed and filed
    before being active.

  3. Treasurer ENTERS NEW MEMBERS details  along with obtaining (from Member Ties),
    a RECEIPT for the specific YEAR BOOK
    and uses that receipt number as a cross reference when processing monies in the Accounting System.

  4. Treasurer and Secretary to liaise on the money and safety form being completed to their satisfaction.

  5. Secretary can then print off an updated  REPORT:  “Members Directory with ID (4x)”

  6. Secretary can print off a BADGE for the new member (using Member Ties) 
    -   report:  "Membership CARD for latest joining"   (extracts those joining in last 4-8 weeks)

  7. RARE:  When an existing member advises CHANGES by email to 
    then things like changed email, phone, address or emergency contact info,  is edited into the system by Secretary

  8. In August each year, Treasurer can prepare final reports of full membership
    and set the next YEAR book for receipting

  9. From September,  any renewals for membership would be processed by Treasurer for the next year
    (Memebrs should AWAIT notification on 1st Sept, about how much to pay for the new year. AS the Club's Accounting is based on CASH (not accruals) it is desired that membership funds arrive in relevent year)

  10. The Grace period was shorted to just 30 dyas (the month of Sept). Prior to the GRACE PERIOD ending (say mid Sept) Treasurer prepares a report of UNFINANCIAL members to chase up,   and to find out the reason for not renewing.

  11. After GRACE PERIOD, (after 30th Sept) Treasurer  prepares a list of ALUMNI for prior year,  being those that  allowed their membership to lapse.

  12. At ANY TIME, the newsletter team can obtain Birthday information straight from the system,
    as well as a list of the latest joining members last month,  for adding their email addresses to the Newsletter Circulation.

  13. New batch of membership cards (Badges) for Regular as well as Special Member Status
    to be produced at end of GRACE period for use for the rest of the financial year (plus next grace period). 
    (Because everyone is a potential renewed member till finally lapsing at the end of the next Grace Period.)


Application for Membership KDWC

Thanks for submitting! We now await your KDW-00 Safety form, and payment.

Changes to your vital information can be made in the future at:

Address: 45 Glenfern Road, Ferntree Gully 3156    Australia

Ph: 03 9758 4849   (Clubrooms) or download latest newsletter for Committee Member contact numbers

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