pictured on their
20th anniversary
AGM of 1/10/2008
Sergio, Sue and Ed.....
...... well done!
Foundation Members
Foundation members are those who joined during the
pioneering stage of establishing the Club on 5th October 1988.
It is very much due to their foresight, generosity of time and devotion to woodworking, that the Club has been able to grow and mature into what is now enjoyed by the many members who have followed.
It is with great appreciation, that the Club recognises these individuals:
Marcus Baker
Walter Berger
Don Beswick
Peter Bravin
Brian Brownbill
Pamela Brownbill
les Brumhead
David Buckingham
Peter Came
John Carter
Alex Davis
Marcus Davis
Ivor Davies
Alan Derbyshire
Ian Dole
David Edwards
John Fearn
Peter Fearn
Bill Gillingham
Roger Gillingham
Max Green
Keith Griffin
Bill Hall
Bill Hawley
Hamish Hill
Peter Holloway
David Howell
Peter Howell
David Jamie
Frank Johnson
Peter Johnston
Jim Jones
Mike Kellett
J Kirkbridge
Rick Kjaersgaard
Dick Kors
John Kors
George Lafzlo
Ed Lawer
Damian Lehmann
Colin Lowe
Greg MacDonald
Alan Marshall
Jim Marshall
E A Martin
John Masterton
Sergio Meilak
Bernie Murphy
Ken Onions
Jennifer Piper
Andeas Poppa
Kerryn Poppa
Gavin Preston
Stephen Ross
Fiona Ross
Len Rowson
Beate Schutz
Bob Sheridan
John Soulier
Gene Sparks
Alf Stephens
D Stevenson
John Stuart
Kevin Thomas
Herman Van Der Breggan
Jack Vaux
Arthur Westwood
Susan Wood
Jack Wright