Club Hours
Here's the typical dates the Club aims at: Refer to last page of Newsletter for latest.
- Daily opening of the Club for Members (6 mornings, except Sunday, and 3 evenings: Tues/Thurs/Fri)
Members are encouraged to arrive early, and enjoy a mid morning tea 10AM, or an evening supper 8PM to chat.
- Monthly MEMBER MEETINGS held 1st Wednesday of the Month (except Jan), at 7:30PM start
(Sometimes a special event, like the annual auction, may be preceded by a 6PM BBQ)
- Monthly COMMITTEE MEETINGS are held 7PM Wednesday, on the fortnight BEFORE the next Member Meeting.
- Club Financial Year runs from 1st Sept thru 31st Auguest, and annual dues are to be paid immediatly after 1st Sept.
- ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM) ideally occurs about 4-6 weeks after the end of financial year, abt 3rd Wed of OCT.
- WORKING BEES are held on even numbered months, on the second Satuday, starting 8:30AM
- BE-IN-IT competition is held on the 2nd Sunday of SEPTEMBER with visitor entry from 2:30PM, awards at 4PM
- ANNUAL TOYS/GIFTS handover to the Community is held on the 1st Wed in DECEMBER 7:30PM (as part of meeting)
- ANNUAL AUCTION NIGHT varies, but tends to be late in the year, like December, as part of a Xmas breakup. TBA)
- KNOX FESTIVAL (FTG Library/FTG Football Oval) is attended on 1st SAT in March for sale of Kidz Korner kits.
- STRINGYBARK FESTIVAL (Rowville Community Centre) is attended on 2nd SUN in October selling KK Kits.
- Festive Season CLOSEDOWN typicall occurs from about 4 days prior Xmas until the start of the 3rd week in Jan.
- Club is closed on gazetted PUBLIC HOLIDAYS.
- Club projects vary a lot, and Members are encouraged to offer help togetehr to build things for Community/Owners
Below is an example ONLY!
For further details and the latest schedule, please refer to the back page of the latest version of the club newsletter.
It contains the most up-to-date opening time, as sometimes these vary due to other commitments.
However, here is an insight to the typical activities and range of days/times that the Club typically runs.
The Club is normally closed over the Festive season to allow a break for keyholders and Committee, and allow the Members to enjoy family life and get away. FACEBOOK and email, remain the only tools for immediately advising of any sudden changes due to power outages, weather impacts or as in 2020, COVID19 rules that impact preferred schedule.
That is why the monthly newsletter is the main DIARY TOOL for keeping members informed of upcoming timetables.