Technical - Workshop Notes
2022-08 August

2022-08 August
Didn't you know ??
Gary Pope has been calling up past members, that left the club for a variety of reasons, to double check that there are no stones left unturned about what the Club might do better to help Members. After doing this year on year, patterns emerge. Members fall ill, pass away, go interstate, or simply don't have enough time to do hobbies. These are all very typical, and that's why the Club tends to have about 15% lapsed members, replaced by another new 15-20% year on year. Covid19 made some of these statistics even more interesting. But surprisingly, a comment from such followups, comes across that needs sharing. Like, "I didn't know you could do that ...." So let's clear up some urban myths.
The Club has a HANDBOOK that every member reads when joining, but often doesn't get fully interpretted. Again - people are time poor when it comes to these things. But there are the UNWRITTEN rules of the Club that many don't know. Only those that have been at the club for many years, and listen intently to the face-to-face meetings where the Committee outlines new services, opening, activities. But COVID19 meant, such news came only by email, Newsletter and Facebook, and also via gatherings online with meet.jit.si/kdwcsheds sessions.
So it's time to list some of the things that you might not think were possible to do, at the Club.
Hopefully you are a long time Member reading this to remember a few forgotton things, or you are a Newbie, and we can help you understand more about what makes the Club tick along!
Didn't you know ??
Did you know, the really VITAL/URGENT things to refer to straight away for most queries, is at: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/vital-info
Did you know you can come and do your projects ANY DAY the club is open? Allocation of activities to a day is only a guide line for bringing like-minded people together at the same time. Yes, they have priority of resources, but often there is room for other activities too! Just be aware and courteous.
Did you know the Club Phone 03 9758 4849 rings through to the Committee 24/7 if you ever have an urgent need to make contact with the Club? ie: advising you're COVID positive, or there is an illness with a Member. Less urgent matters can simply be handled by an email to secretary@knoxwoodies.org.au where the appropriate Committee or activity Group leader will be be made aware of your matter, and of course have it centrally recorded with the Secretary to ensure more than one person knows.
Did you know we often have plenty of timber for sale at a modest donation? Ask your keyholder.
Did you know you must SIGN-IN to the Attendance book? But could you write legibly so that someone can interpret your hand-writing if they need to phone you. If there is a fire, or COVID19 outbreak or simply a need to call up Members that were attending a previous session to let them know they left something behind - it's all part of the running of the Club, so that everyone's well being is catered for.
Did you know, that keyholders generously give their valuable time to open the Club so that all members have the opportunity to enjoy all the resources of the Club. But if it is a cold miserable busy day for others, they sure don't want to sit about waiting for someone to roll up late to cut THEIR piece of wood. Be courteous. There are revised opening times stipulated from time to time, announced on the last page of the latest Newsletter. Sometimes, morning sessions may roll into lunch and some may stay longer into early afternoon, but don't take it for granted, and sure don't roll up only 1hr before suggested closing times expecting the Keyholder to cater for just your needs. Be considerate to the Keyholders needs too, please. The KDWC boasts being one of the very few clubs that have so many opening times, 6 days a week, some evenings, including Saturday morning! Sunday is typically left for family days for all, and the Club is NOT OPEN on gazetted public holidays.
Did you know, we require you to wear a badge so that Newbies know who you are.
Never under-estimate the power of learning through socialising/conversation at the Club.
“Wear a badge.” Maybe it's time to bring back the 'no badge/swear jar' idea Founder Alf Stephens used to have, with a gold coin donation for Morning Tea biscuits if you got sprung with no name tag! Newsletters endeavour to show the names and faces of Members doing all sorts of projects, so that newbies can discover who they can approach, to get some eexperienced clues on their own projects. But with no badge on, it can make it a needle-in-a-haystack exercise to find you.
Don't be bashful – if the Club can do something better then let us know. Talk to your keyholder, contact a committee person. Their contact details are on the front and last page of any newsletter. Don't ASSUME anything - you know what that really means. Most things are possible with the brains trust of over 170 members to help! Start talking about it.
Did you know, that the Club is there for you anytime. There are only a few common sense rules about opening the gates. Security, Safety and Diligence. If you have a group of like-minded members that want to come at another time than listed on the Diary (last page of newsletter), then approach Committee, be inducted as a Keyholder, ensure you can consistently schedule the session, and uphold an honest, caring approach to looking after the Club resourses. Who knows what silent group sits out there wishing there was a potential NEW GROUP for something we've not done before!
Did you know that food and coffee at the Club is not there by magic! Members bring a plate to be enjoyed by others, and the Club provides the coffee. Put in the effort to help this way of saving costs for all members.
Did you know how many committees, keyholder roles, teams and officers there are, running all the affairs of the Club? Take a look at a complete overview in the Oct 2018 edition. Put your name forward to offer help with any of these roles. Talk to the Committee, or write a note to secretary@knoxwoodies.org.au
Did you know, that the Club always seeks advice and technical help on so many fronts - not just woodworking. The club has needs in the areas of law, accounting, IT, safety, WHS, maintenance, power, security, publicity, equipment selection .... the list goes on. If you have experience in any fields of interest to the Club, even if you have limited time, still talk to Committee about any projects or plans that are afoot, where your experience and skill could provide a starting point to a better solution. Don't just tell everyone you are a proctologist so that we won't ask for help - actually provide some input for a change.
Did you know the Club joined VMSA and AMSA to gain access to some fine Insurance opportunities, grants and additional liaison with other like minded Clubs? And that the AMSA/VMSA are not, in any way, changing the autonomous, gender-indifferent, age-indifferent ways that we run the Club like we have since 1988? menshed.org and vmsa.org.au provide great resources to read about.
Did you know that nobody really has time to ring 100's of members whenever something important needs sharing?
The only quick solution is to send an email, and put a message on Facebook. It's up to you to check your email and Facebook regularly. Sometimes, important things need to be known to all, within a day or two .... not at the end of the month when the deal is over.
Did you know that in 2022, the Club had 16 members aged over 85? Good point to consider when COVID19 can impact such an age group, if all Members don't act responsibly to look after THEIR welfare, as well as your own. Think about that when sitting next to a fellow Woodie at Morning Tea.
And look after the young ones too - they need to learn from YOUR experiences.
We can't teach, but we can share ideas.
Did you know that we still have members active in the Club that have been here since Foundation days in Oct 1988? They're pretty special, and know far more than what's on this list you're reading. History is wonderful for a Club to cherish and discuss. Check the Website at https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/club-history and all the other HISTORY items from the main menu, that tells you about:
Workshop History https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/workshop-history
Foundation members: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/foundation-1988-members
Bill Gillingham Members Awards https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/bill-gillingham-awards
Life and Honourary Members over the years https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/life-honorary-members
Victoria Day Award recipients https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/victoria-day-awards
Past Committees https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/past-committtees
Did you know, that there are 7 virtual Committee roles that take care of things quietly over night? To reduce clutter for the Secretary's correspondence, and the Treasurer's focus on money matters, most other day-to-day matters that need member interaction, are automated with these 7 virtual representatives of the Club. Get to know who they are so you don't dispose of their emails to you incorrectly! Thats the technology that helps the Club COMMUNICATE. Check out how that works at: https://www.knoxwoodies.org.au/virtual-team
The Club's investment in the MemberTies system from myrro.com has sure helped with the automation of a lot of administrative matters.
Is there Something we forgot to share?
I bet many other hidden gems of wisdom will be brought up for inclusion to this list. And, yes, this list will no doubt be double checked from time to time for omissions or errors, so if they need correcting - let us know! Send them to news@knoxwoodies.org.au